1) Classification of Data-

Name of the School-

Total Student-

Students Present-

Average age- 15+

Class- X

Time- 45 minutes

Period- 2

Subject- Science (Bio)

Name of lesson-

Chapter Number- …..

Name of Topic- Organic evolution

Name of Trainee Teacher- (Your name)

Roll no of Trainee Teacher- (Your Roll No)

Date of Class-


2) General Objectives-


After going through the lesson student will be able to--

(a) Define organic evaluation.

(b) Reproduce organic evolution.

(c) Recall organic evolution.

(d) Illustrate organic evolution.

(e) Explain organic evolution.


3) Teaching learning Materials (TLM) -


(a) General Materials- Chalk, Duster, Black board, Textbook, Pointer.

(b) Specific Materials- Chat on fossils evaluation. Homologues and analogous organ transform pictures.

4) Preparation-


Previous Knowledge

Teachers Activity

Students Activity























Teacher will test some previous knowledge.

  Teacher will enter to the classroom with a smiley face and have a quick judge of room management.

  To Check previous knowledge teacher will ask some open questions related to the topic.




a) What is evolution?




b) What is fossils?



c) What is Homologous organ?



Announcement of Topic-

After getting the answers from students, the teacher will announce the topic as today we will discuss about the “Organic evolution”.

The teacher will write the topic on black board.

The students will also welcome the teacher by warm wishes standing from the seat.






Ans- The gradual changes from one form to another is an organism.


Ans- The dead remains of the organism which lined in the remote past.

Ans- No response.




As per the teachers direction the students will note down the topic name in the notebook.

5) Presentation-




Special Objectives

Teachers Activity

Students Activity

Teaching Outcome




















































Organic evolution.

To understand the Organic evolution.


Evolution has been desired from Latin word evolve which means to unfold. It helps to a gradual changes from one form to another. Such a change in living organism with time since the beginning of life is termed organic evaluation. Enormous types of organism that exist on the earth at present and also the fossils have large number of common features which provide evidence in favour of organic evolution. All these evidences support the view that the present day diverse forms of living organism have evolved from common ancestors.

Morphological and Anatomical evidences:

Q:- What is morphology?

The extremal features of an organism is called morphology.

Q:- What is anatomy?

Students will listen carefully.












Ans:- No response.



Ans:- The internal structure or frame work of the body.

They will understand about the Organic evolution.


Homologous Organs.





To define the Homologous Organs.



Homologous Organs:-

The organs which perform different function in different species but have similar basis structure and similar embryonic origin are called Homologous Organs.eg. fore limb of frog, a lizard, a bird and a human. These have same basic structure but perform entirely different functions. The forelimb of a frog help the organism to prop up the front end to  body at rest. In lizards it is used for creeping. In birds for flying and in human for grasping. So, this shows that they have evolved from a common ancestors.

Analogous organs:- The organs which are quite different in fundamental structure and embryonic origin buy perform same function and may super finally look a like is entirely different species are called analogous organs. e.g. wings of an insect and that of a bird. These organs are used for flying but they are very different in structure. An insect wing is a fold of membrane supported by few muscles. But its wings are formed of limb bones covered with flesh, skin and feather. 

Q:- So, What does it show?

The students will note down the Plant movement.


























Ans:- That they both are evolved from common ancestor.

They will understand about the Homologous Organs.

Vestigial organ.

To define the Vestigial organ.

Vestigial organ:-

The organ which occur in reduced form and are useless  to possessor but are homologues to fully developed functional organs in the ancestor or related term are called Vestigial organ.

e.g. Vermiform appendix is a blind tube at end of large intestine in certain mammals including us.

Student listen carefully

They will learn about the Vestigial organ.


Explanation of vestigial organs present in human.

To discuss and explain vestigial organs present in human.

In herbivorous mammals it is a large structure and serves for the digestion of cellulose contents of the food by bacterial action. In human beings the habit of taking soft and cooked food has reduced the need for bacterial digestion. So it be4come reduced and useless.

Students listen carefully.

Students will learn about vestigial organs present in human.

6) Closure-


Teachers Activity

Students Activity




















      As the time is to be completed of the specific class the teacher will also ask the students some questions to justify the learning process is effective. And also give some home work to the students to practise at home.



1) what is Organic evolution?

2) what is vestigial organs?


         After getting the answer teacher write some question for,

Home work-


1) Why appendix is reduced in human?

2) Discuss the homologous and analogues organs?



        At last as the time passes the teacher will rub the black board clearly. Collect all the T.L.M. including book, Charts which bring to the class by him thanking the students with smiley face.

     Students will listen to the teachers direction to the next.





    Students will give the answer to the questions standing from their seat.





    Students will Note down the questions given as Home work to their copy.




    Students will also stand from the seat and thank back to the teacher as he leaves from the class.

for more lesson plan