1) Classification of Data-

Name of the School-

Total Student-

Students Present-

Average age- 13+

Class- VIII

Time- 45

Period- 2

Subject- Science (Bio)

Name of lesson-

Chapter Number- …..

Name of Topic- Various pats of flower

Name of Trainee Teacher- (Your name)

Roll no of Trainee Teacher- (Your Roll No)

Date of Class-


2) General Objectives-


After going through the lesson student will be able to--

(a) Recall about the flower.

(b) Recognize the structure of a flower.

(c) Classify the parts of flower.

(d) functions of different parts of flower.

(e) To develop scientific thinking, reasoning and imagination among the students.


3) Teaching learning Materials (TLM) -


(a) General Materials- Chalk, Duster, Black board, Textbook, Pointer.

(b) Specific Materials- Chat of parts of flower.


4) Preparation-


Previous Knowledge

Teachers Activity

Students Activity


























Teacher will test some previous knowledge.

  Teacher will enter to the classroom with a smiley face and have a quick judge of room management.

  To Check previous knowledge teacher will ask some open questions related to the topic.



a) What are the types of reproductions?


b) What is the reproductive part of a plant?


c) What kind of Reproduction occurs in flowering plants?




Announcement of Topic-

After getting the answers from students, the teacher will announce the topic as today we will discuss about the “Various pats of flower”.

The teacher will write the topic on black board.

The students will also welcome the teacher by warm wishes standing from the seat.






Ans- Sexual and asexual.


Ans-The flower.



Ans- No response.





As per the teachers direction the students will note down the topic name in the notebook.

5) Presentation-




Special Objectives

Teachers Activity

Students Activity

Teaching Outcome


















































Various parts of a flower.


To discuss the Various parts of a flower.



In flowering plants all the steps of sexual reproduction occurs with in specialized reproductive organs called flower. Thus a flower may be defined as a specialized condensed reproductive shoot of plants on which ate inserted the essential reproductive parts.

Students will listen carefully and note down.


They will understand about Various parts of a flower.


Main parts of flower.




To understand the Main parts of flower.



The main parts of the flower are:

Calyx:- It is outermost whorl of floral leaves called sepals. Sepals are generally green in colour and protective in function occasionally they are bright coloured.

Corolla:- It is collection of petals and are generally large and show and brightly coloured.

Why corolla is brightly coloured?

To attract insects for pollination. Calyx and Corolla are non essential parts of flower. So they are not directly involved in reproduction.

Androcium:- It is collection of stamens the male reproductive organ of flower. Each stamens consist of another filament. Filament is a long stark that bears an another at the top. Usually anthers are contain pollen sacs. The pollen grains are made inside the pollen sac. The each pollen grains produces two male gametes which germinate to produce pollen tube.

Gynoecium:- It is the collection of carpels, the female reproductive organ of flower. Each carpel has a swollen ovary long style and terminal stigma. If a flower has only one carpel. It is called monocarpellary, generally flower have more than one carpel, either free or fused. The stigma receives pollen grains during pollination and support their growth.

Students will listen carefully and note down.















No response.

They will understand about the Main parts of flower.

Structure of ovary.

Student will understand about Structure of ovary

The ovary is the swollen and hollow basal part that contain ovals. Each ovule has an embryonic sac that a haploid egg. The female gamete.

Students will listen carefully and note down.

Student will learn about the Structure of ovary.

Pollination and its types.

Students will understand about Pollination and its types.

Pollination:- The transfer of pollen grains from the opened another to the stamen to receptive stigma of caropel.

Types of pollination:

1) Self pollination:- Transfer or pollen from another of a follower to the stigma of another flower born on same plant.

2) Cross pollination:- It involves transfer of pollens from flowers one plant to stigma of flower of another plant of same species.

Students will listen carefully and note down.

Student will learn about the Pollination and its types.

6) Closure-


Teachers Activity

Students Activity




















      As the time is to be completed of the specific class the teacher will also ask the students some questions to justify the learning process is effective. And also give some home work to the students to practise at home.



1) What are the parts of stamen ?

2) What is Cross-pollination ?



         After getting the answer teacher write some question for,

Home work-


1) make a diagram discuss the various parts of flower and name the parts?

2) Write the types of pollination?



        At last as the time passes the teacher will rub the black board clearly. Collect all the T.L.M. including book, Charts which bring to the class by him thanking the students with smiley face.

     Students will listen to the teachers direction to the next.



    Students will give the answer to the questions standing from their seat.





    Students will Note down the questions given as Home work to their copy.



    Students will also stand from the seat and thank back to the teacher as he leaves from the class.

for more lesson plan