1) Classification of Data-

Name of the School-

Total Student-

Students Present-

Average age- 12+

Class- VII

Time- 45

Period- 2

Subject- Science (Bio)

Name of lesson-

Chapter Number- …..

Name of Topic- Food Chain

Name of Trainee Teacher- (Your name)

Roll no of Trainee Teacher- (Your Roll No)

Date of Class-


2) General Objectives-


After going through the lesson student will be able to--

(a) Recall about the ecosystem and it’s components.

(b) Recognize about different tropic level of food chain.

(c) Classify different ecosystem.

(d) Generalize the term used in Ecosystem.

(e) Synthesise example of different types of ecosystem.


3) Teaching learning Materials (TLM) -


(a) General Materials- Chalk, Duster, Black board, Textbook, Pointer.

(b) Specific Materials- Chat of example of Food Chain.

4) Preparation-


Previous Knowledge

Teachers Activity

Students Activity


























Teacher will test some previous knowledge.

  Teacher will enter to the classroom with a smiley face and have a quick judge of room management.

  To Check previous knowledge teacher will ask some open questions related to the topic.



a) What are primary Consumers?




b) What are Secondary Consumers?



 c) What is Food Chain?




Announcement of Topic-

After getting the answers from students, the teacher will announce the topic as today we will discuss about the “Food Chain”.

The teacher will write the topic on black board.

The students will also welcome the teacher by warm wishes standing from the seat.






Ans- The green plants (autotrophs) are primary consumers.


Ans-The flesh eating animals are secondary consumers.



Ans- No response.





As per the teachers direction the students will note down the topic name in the notebook.

5) Presentation-




Special Objectives

Teachers Activity

Students Activity

Teaching Outcome
























































Food Chain Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Consumers.


To Define the Food Chain Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Consumers.



In any green ecosytstem all living oraganisms are liked in a systematic chain with respect to their made of manufactureing food habits. The interaction am ong various components of environment involves grow of energy from one component to another. During photsynthesis producers capture solar-energy and con vert it into chemical energy. These are eaten up by plant carters i.e. herbivores. These are further eaten up by large carnivores.

Defination:- This sequential interlinkning or organisms involving transfer of energy from producers, through series of organisms with repeated eating and being eaten called food chain.

The distinct sequential steps in the food chain where transfer of energy occurs ate referred to as different tropic level eg. Green plant from 1st from tropic level. The plant eaters also called primary it cnsumers level belong to 2nd  tropic level. The 1st consumer level and flesh eaters(carnivorous) also called secondary consumers represent 3rd consumer level the 2 consumer level and so on.

Students will listen carefully and note down.











Students note down the definition of Food Chain.

They will understand about Food Chain Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Consumers.


characteristics of food chain.




To understand the characteristics of food chain.



characteristics of food chain:-

1)It involves a nutritive interaction between living organisms (biotic components) of an ecosystem.

2) A food chain is always straight and proceeds in organic progressive straight line.

3) In a food c hain there is unidirectional grow of energy from sun to producers and subsequentially to series or different types of consumers.

4) Usually these are 3or 4 tropic levels in a food chain. There may be maximum 5 tropic level.

5) Some organisms are omnivores e.g. Gram deer, tiger.

Students will listen carefully and note down.

They will understand about the characteristics of food chain.

Food Web.

Student will understand about the Food Web.

Food Web:

It  is  a network of food chain which be4come interconnected at various tropic levels so as to from a number of feeding connections amongst different organisms of a biotic community.

Students will listen carefully and note down.

Student will learn about the Food Web.

6) Closure-


Teachers Activity

Students Activity






















      As the time is to be completed of the specific class the teacher will also ask the students some questions to justify the learning process is effective. And also give some home work to the students to practise at home.



1) What is Food Chain?

2) What is Food Web?


         After getting the answer teacher write some question for,

Home work-


1) make a diagram of food chain?

2) Write the Characteristics of food Chain?


        At last as the time passes the teacher will rub the black board clearly. Collect all the T.L.M. including book, Charts which bring to the class by him thanking the students with smiley face.

     Students will listen to the teachers direction to the next.





    Students will give the answer to the questions standing from their seat.


     Students will Note down the questions given as Home work to their copy.




    Students will also stand from the seat and thank back to the teacher as he leaves from the class.

for more lesson plan