1) Classification of Data-

Name of the School-

Total Student-

Students Present-

Average age- 11+

Class- VI

Time- 45

Period- 2

Subject- Social science

Name of lesson-

Chapter Number- …..

Name of Topic- Maps.

Name of Trainee Teacher- (Your name)

Roll no of Trainee Teacher- (Your Roll No)

Date of Class-


2) General Objectives-


After going through the lesson student will be able to--

(a) understand the need for maps and their components.

(b) develop artificial and logical reasoning capabilities.

(c) help the students conduct an in-depth investigation and learning about a geographical location.

(d) develop the ability of the students to engage in discussion.

(e) read and understand the map in future.


3) Teaching learning Materials (TLM) -


(a) General Materials- Chalk, Duster, Black board, Textbook, Pointer.

(b) Specific Materials- Different types of maps.

4) Preparation-


Previous Knowledge

Teachers Activity

Students Activity


























Teacher will test some previous knowledge.

  Teacher will enter to the classroom with a smiley face and have a quick judge of room management.

  To Check previous knowledge teacher will ask some open questions related to the topic.



a) Have you ever used map?


b) For what purpose you have used?




c) What are the types of map?




Announcement of Topic-

After getting the answers from students, the teacher will announce the topic as today we will discuss about the


The teacher will write the topic on black board.

The students will also welcome the teacher by warm wishes standing from the seat.






Ans- Yes.


Ans-To find the location of institutes, unknown address.



Ans- No response.





As per the teachers direction the students will note down the topic name in the notebook.

5) Presentation-




Special Objectives

Teachers Activity

Students Activity

Teaching Outcome











































































Need for maps.


The students will acquire knowledge about maps and how to study them.


A map is a representation or a drawing of earth’s surface or part of it, drown on a flat surface according to a scale.

Students listen carefully and note down the points from the blackboard.

The students will able to read and understand their maps of a location for future use.


Need of map:-

To define the physical, geographical and other symbolic structure we need map. We can study a place without visiting to the place with the help of map. For a quick study a map has a vital role. Also the war or administrative  purpose for planning and understanding we use map firstly. In our todays busy life we frequently use google map that also a map.

Students listen carefully.

Different types of Maps.


To enable students to study different types of maps.

There are 3 categories of maps:-

a) Physical

b) Political

c) Thematic

Students listen carefully and note down the points from the blackboard.

The knowledge of the maps helps the students understanding the map of any location.

1) Physical map-

Maps showing natural features of the earth such as mountains, plateaus, plains, rivers, oceans.

Students listen carefully and note down the definition and  examples from the blackboard.

2) Political map-

Maps showing cities, towers and villages, and different countries and states of the world with their boundaries.

3) Thematic maps-

Some maps focus on specific information such as read maps, showing distribution of forests, etc.

Components of maps.

The students will be able to recall their knowledge about components of the maps.

Q:- What do map tells us besides the name of countries?


Yes, you are correct..”


So the map has 3 components-

a) Distance

b) Direction

c) Symbol

Ans:- Distance and directions.

The students have and in-depth understanding of components of maps.

a) Distance:-

Distance is measured in terms of scale. Scale is the ration between the actual distance on the ground and the distance shown on the map. When large areas like continents or countries ate to be shown a small scale is used when a smaller area like a city or town is shown then a large scale map is used.

Students listen carefully and note down the points from the blackboard.

b) Direction:-

Directions are cardinal points like North, South, East and west.

Students listen carefully and note down the points from the blackboard.

c) Symbols:-

Symbols are certain letters, shades, colours, pictures and lines which give us information about a limited place. They make a map easier to read even. If we don’t know long.

Students listen carefully and note down the points from the blackboard.



To enable students about sketch.


Yes, precisely it is a drawing mainly based on memory and sport observation and not to scale. Sometimes a rough drawing of and area is required to tell where a particular place is located with respect to their places.

Students listen carefully and note down the points from the blackboard.

Students will illustrate about the rulers of Khalji dynesty.



To enable students about Plan.


A Plan is a drawing of a small area on a large scale. A large scale map despite giving a lost of information cannot tell us exact details for this purpose we refer to drawings drawn to scale.

For example:-

An architect will draw a plan of your house with measurements drown to scale.

Students listen carefully and note down the points from the blackboard.

The understanding of the map allows the students to gain in-depth knowledge of the geography of a specified location.

6) Closure-


Teachers Activity

Students Activity






















      As the time is to be completed of the specific class the teacher will also ask the students some questions to justify the learning process is effective. And also give some home work to the students to practise at home.



1) What are the components of map ?

2) What is the uses of map ?



         After getting the answer teacher write some question for,

Home work-


1) Give 5 example of use of map in your daily life?

2) Draw the map of India and point out the states?




        At last as the time passes the teacher will rub the black board clearly. Collect all the T.L.M. including book, Charts which bring to the class by him thanking the students with smiley face.

     Students will listen to the teachers direction to the next.



    Students will give the answer to the questions standing from their seat.






    Students will Note down the questions given as Home work to their copy.





    Students will also stand from the seat and thank back to the teacher as he leaves from the class.

Political map of India

Physical map of India

Thematic map of India

for more lesson plan