63/5 (SEM-4) EPC-04

B. Ed
(Theory Paper)
Paper Code : EPC-04
(Understanding the self)
Full Marks – 20
Time – 1 hour
The figures in the margin indicate full marks
for the questions.

1. Answer the following questions: 2x5=10
(i) Define the term 'Self' ?
(ii) What is Constructive Education?
(iii) State the impact of Negetive Self Concept.
(iv) Discuss the importance of 'Self-Esteem'.
(v) Discuss the importance of value education for peaceful life.

2. Answer any two of the following questions: 5x2=10
(a) Discuss the concept 'Critical Pedagogy' with its educational implications.
(b) Being a teacher how do you apply the life skill methods to develop the personality of a child?
(c) Discuss the various components and factors of ' Self concept' .

63/5 (SEM-4) CC-14 (b)

B. Ed
(Theory Paper)
Paper Code : CC-14
(Gender, School and Society)
Full Marks – 80
Time – 3 hour
The figures in the margin indicate full marks
for the questions.

1.Answer the following questions:1x6=6
    (a) "The absolute rule of the father or the eldest male member over his family" is known as_____." (Fill in the blank)
    (b) What do you mean by Patriarchy ?
    (c) What is meant by 'Stereotype' ?
    (d) What do you mean by 'Musculinity' ?
    (e) Define 'Gender'.
    (f) What is meant by 'Equality' ?
2. Answer the following questions: 5x2=10
    (a) Mention any two names of Indian feminist.
    (b) How do you relate the terms 'Sex' and 'Gender'?
    (c) Mention two aspects of gender biasness reflected through the hidden curriculum of school.
    (d) Write any two areas Where men dominate the women in a patriarchal society.
    (e) Discuss the role of Mass media and Gender      inequality.
3. Answer any six of the following questions: 5x6=30
    (a) Discuss the types of feminism in detail.
    (b) What is the role of teacher in promoting gender equality?
    (c) Write a note on importance of Life skills.
    (d) Discuss the major recommendations on women education.
    (e) Mention few differences between sex and gender.
    (f) Write in details about the concept 'Gender biasness' in schools.
    (g) Discuss in details about the concept 'Social  inequality' in connection with gender inequality.
    (h) Discuss the significance of equality and equity in women education in the present day scenario.
    (i) Discuss the problems of schooling in girls.

4. Answer any two of the following questions: 10x2=20
    (i) Discuss the various issues of gender in India. Suggest measures to solve it.
    (ii) Mention the various Constitutional provisions guaranted for ensuring equality of women.
    (iii) Do you consider feminism as a socio-political movement ? Justify your answer.
5. Answer any one of the following questions: 14x1=14
    (i) What do you mean by Empowerment ? Why is it important to empower a woman?
    (ii) What is Dowry ? What are the main causes of Dowry Practice ? Suggest measures to eradicate it.