

BTC 5.1

FULL MARKS- 75                        TIME- 3 HOURS

1) Answer the following questions: (1x4=4)
(a) Who invented the "Law of Radiness"?
(b) Who is considered as the father of Gestalt psychology?
(c) "Learning is a process and not a product" True/False ?
(d) How many broad factors are responsible for the devlopement of personality?

2) Answer any two of the following questions:
(a) What is psychomotor devlopment?
(b) Define Intelligence.
(c) What do you mean by I.Q.?
(d) Who is a backward learner?

3) Write any theree short notes on the following: (5x3=15)
(a)  Influence of social factors for personality devlopment.
(b) Educational implications of Thorndike's theory of learning.
(c) Importance of Excursion and project Report.
(d) Difference between CA and MA.

4) Answer any four of the following questions:
(a) Discuss the educational implications of  Pavlov's theory of learning. (7)
(b) Define the meaning of gifted children. Discuss the characteristic of gifted children. (2+5=7)
(c) Analyse the term Plateaus of learning. Mention some valuable measures to overcome the problem. (3+4=7)
(d) What do you mean by fatigue of learning? Discuss any two methods of learning. (2+5=7)
(e) Discuss how custom, believe, and tradition contribute in building a healthy cultural society for the devlopment of personality. (7)

5) Answer any one of the following question: (10x1=10)
(a) Discuss the role of teacher in devloping the abilities of students in various schools and social activities.
(b) Discuss the Gestult theory of learning with educational implications.

6) Answer any one the following qustion: (12x1=12)
(a) Discuss the professional ethics of teacher. State the importance of professional ethics in education.
(b) Analysis the role of teacher in devloping personality of the students.


Paper:- CC-5
FULL MARKS: 75                  TIME: 3 Hours

1. Answer the following questions: (1x4=4)
 (a) From where does the word 'intelligece' derive?
 (b) "Learning is the modification of behavior through experience"- who said this ?
 (c) What is the I.Q. level of a gifted children?
 (d) What are the three Bloom's Texnomy?
2. Answer any three of the following: (2x3=6)
 (a) What is psychomotor devlopement?
 (b) What do you mean by M.A.?
 (C) Who is a vackward learner?
 (d) Define intelligence?
 (e) What is the concept of personality?
3. Answer the following quenstions (any four) (7x4=28)
 (a) Discuss the educational implication of Thorndike's theory of learning.
 (b) Discuss critically the methods of learning with their classroom implications.
 (c) Critically analyze the gestalt's Theory of learning.
 (d) Discuss the concept of professional ethics of Teacher and its importance in education.
 (e) Explain Tolman's Sign Theory of Learning and its significance.
 (f) Critically analyze the Role of home and family in learning process.

4. Discuss Pavlov's Theory of learning and its educational implication.                   (10)
Analyze the role of teacher in personality devlopement of the students.                 (10)

5. Define the meaning of distrssed children. Discuss the characteristics of distressed children.                                                     (12)
Discuss Skinne's operant conditioning theory with examples and relate its education implication.                                                (12)

6.Write short note on (any three): (5x3=15)
 (a) Education and workshop.
 (b) Social factors in personality devlopment.
 (c) Excursion, project and exhibition in learning process.
 (d) Characteristics of gifted children.
 (e) Remedy of  fatigue.
 (f) Method of learnings.


B.Ed. 2nd Semester
TIME: 45 MINUTE                 FULL MARKS: 15

1. Discuss Thorndike's experimental theory on learning and its effectiveness in the field of education.                                            (7)
Disscuss Pavlov's classical  condition theory on learning and its educational implecations.(7)

2. Write short note (any two):     (2x3=6)
 (a) Meaning of personality.
 (b) Social factors of personality.
 (c) Thorndikes law of learning.

3. Answer the following questions: (1x2=2)
 (a) From where does the word "Personality" derive?
 (b) Who has introduced the trail and error method of learning?


63/5 (SEM-2) B.Ed. CC 06


B. Ed.

(Theory Paper)

Paper : CC 06

(Learning and Teaching)

Full Marks – 40

Time – 1½ hours

The figures in the margin indicate full marks

for the questions.

1. Choose the correct answers : 1×5=5

(a) The term ‘Personality’ is derived from the Latin word ‘Persona’ which means

(i) Character in a drama

(ii) Players Mask

(iii) Drama

(iv) Comedy

(b) The adequate educational approach for gifted children is

(i) Accelerated promotion

(ii) Enriched curriculum

(iii) Innovative teaching practices

(iv) All of the above

(c) Which psychologist said – ‘‘A plateau is a horizontal stretch indicative of an apparent progress’’?

(i) Ross

(ii) Skinner

(iii) Gates and others

(iv) Calvin.

(d) When the knowledge learnt in one situation is helpful in solving a problem under another situation, which transfer of learning is it ?

(i) Zero transfer of learning

(ii) Negative transfer of learning

(iii) Positive transfer of learning

(iv) None of the above

(e) What are the chief factors of memory ?

(i) Learning, logic, remembering, retention

(ii) Retention, recall, instinct, logic

(iii) Learning, recognition, thinking, forgetting

(iv) Learning, retention, recall, recognition.

2. Answer any five of the following questions : 2×5=10

(a) What do you understand by taxonomy of educational objectives ?

(b) Explain the conception of Constructionism.

(c) Mention two distinctions between Co-operative learning and Collaborative learning with example.

(d) Write any two characteristics of slow learner.

(e) What is the sign of good memory ?

(f) Which factors affect the development of personality ?

(g) Write two purposes of team teaching.

3. Answer any three of the following questions : 5×3=15

(a) Describe the factors that develop plateau of learning.

(b) How does the personality of a teacher influence on the personality development of a children ?

(c) Write some of the important varieties of individual differences. Why it is essential to take care of these differences in the process of education ?

(d) Differenciate among authoritative, democratic and laissez-faire teaching behaviour.

(e) State the relation between learning and teaching.

4. Answer any one of the following questions : 10×1=10

(a) What is Fatigue ? Discuss the problem of classroom fatigue and its effect on learning. Also provide some measures to overcome it. 1+3+3+3=10


(b) Discuss the concept ‘Transfer of Learning’. How it is applicable in classroom teaching ? Discuss the role of teachers in transfer of learning. 2+4+4=10
