1) Answer the following questions: (any five) (2X5=10)
(a) What do you mean by language?
(b) What is a classroom?
(c) Who is called a multilingual speaker?
(d) What is text?
(e) Cite any four examples of transactional text.
(f) What is 'standard language'?
(g) Mention any two types of communication barriers.
2) Write short notes on the following questions: (any two) (3x5=15)
(a) Importance of content in a text.
(b) Steps of note-making.
(c) Characteristics of communication.
(d) Reflective text.
(e) Summarizing.
3) Answer the followin question: (any one)
(a) What do you mean by multilingual classroom? Mention any two features of multilingual classroom? Write any three advantages and disadvantages of multilingual classroom. (2+2+6=10)
(b) Give a comprehensive comparison on expository text and narrative text. (10)
(c) What is the difference between language and standard language? How far a school is responsible to devlope the standerd language of a child? (5+5+=10)
BU/SEM-1/BEd/16/1.3 2016
1.Answer any five of the following questions: (5x2=10)
i) Define language.
ii) Mention two functions of social science.
iii) Write two examples of expository text.
iv) what is dialect?
v) Discuss any two functions of content.
vi) What is communication?
vii) Write two nature of multilingual classroom.
2. Write short note on the following: (any three) (3x5=15)
(a) Function of language.
(b) Difference between Narrative text and Expository text.
(c) Note Making
(d) English as a window of language.
(e) Role of school in socialization.
3. Answer any one of the following: (1x10=10)
(i) Discuss the concept of multilingual classroom. Mention its importance in the present day scenario. (5+5=10)
(ii) Discuss the various functions of language. Write the difference between language and communication. (5+5=10)
(iii) What is content? Discuss the significance of content in a text book.(3+7=10)
1. Choose the correct answer of the following: (1x5=5)
a) A multi lingual person is generally referred to as......
i) Linguistician ii) Polyglot
iii) Cryptologist iv) Lexicographer
b) Favourable language is also known as......... language
i) Reader friendly ii) Curriculum friendly
iii) Education friendly iv) Learner friendly
c) The table of contents of a document acts as a........ for the reader
i) Map `ii) Chart
iii) Tool iv) Device
d) Language across curriculum is the curriculum......... programme.
i) Development ii) Upliftment
iii) Formal skills iv) Language skills
e) Listening, speaking, reading, writing are.......
i) Motor skills ii) Verbal skills
iii) Formal skills iv) Language skills
2. Answer the following questions (any two): (2x2=4)
a) What is home language?
b) State two example of Narrative text.
c) Mention two disadvantages of Multilingual Classroom.
3. Answer the following questions (any four): (4x4=16)
i) What is the importance of favourable language in a particular classroom?
ii) How does language help in the process of direction in a classroom?
iii) What is Text Structure?
iv) Differentiate between Multilingual Classroom and Monolingual classroom?
v) Differentiate between Oral Language and Standard Language.
vi) What is a Transactional Text?
4. Answer the following questions: (Any one) (1x10=10)
i) What is Language? Discuss the role of Language as a tool of communication.
ii) "Comprehension strategies are conscious plans- sets of steps that good reader use to make sense of text"- Discuss the various reading strategies in the developement of reading comprehension of children in the light of the above statement.
iii) What is Expository Text? State the nature of Expository Text. How it differs from Narrative Text?
63/5 (SEM-1) CC-05
(New Course)
B. Ed
(Theory Paper)
Paper Code : CC-05
(Language Across The Curriculum)
Full Marks – 35
Time – 1½ hours
The figures in the margin indicate full marks
for the questions.
1. Answer any five of the following questions: 2x5=10
(a) State any two characteristics of Dialect.
(b) Mention any two language features of Narrative Text.
(c) Write two nature of Mono-lingual classroom.
(d) Mention two importance of communicable language.
(e) Discuss the nature of language.
(f) Write down the two advantages of multilingual classroom.
(g) What are the basic skills of language?
2. Answer any three of the following questions: 5x3=15
(i) How many common patterns of text structures are there? Dismiss.
(ii) What is Constitution ? Discuss any three constitutional provisions which safeguards the mother tongue education. 2+3=5
(iii) Discuss the modes and barriers of communication. 2+3=5
(iv) Critically analyze the significance of multilingual classroom in the formal system of education. 2+3=5
(v) Discuss the nature and importance of school language. 3+2=5
63/5 (SEM-1) CC-05
B. Ed
(Theory Paper)
Paper Code : CC-05
(Language Across The Curriculum)
Full Marks – 40
Time – 1½ hours
The figures in the margin indicate full marks
for the questions.
1. Choose the correct answers : 1×5=5
(a) Which one of the following facts is not true about a dialect ?
(i) It needs the help of the Parent language.
(ii) It is spoken in a limited area.
(iii) It has a script.
(iv) It can’t express all types of ideas.
(b) How many languages have been included in the 8th schedule of the Indian Constitution ?
(i) 24 (ii) 22
(iii) 18 (iv) 15
(c) The term ‘Communication’ derives from the Latin word
(i) Communion (ii) Community
(iii) Communicare (iv) Communique
(d) In a social situation, language operates between the ––––––– and the listener. (Choose correct option for the blank)
(i) Speaker (ii) Teacher
(iii) Listener (iv) Reader
(e) The language used at school is ––––––– in nature. (Choose correct option for the blank)
(i) Formal (ii) Informal
(iii) Literary (iv) None of these
2. Answer the following questions (any five) : 2×5=10
(a) What are the meaning and nature of language ?
(b) Write two examples of Expository text and Narrative text.
(c) Mention two principles of Skinner’s operant conditioning in language development.
(d) What is the nature of oral language ?
(e) What are the two productive skills of language ?
(f) Mention any two examples of communication barriers.
(g) How does language help in the process of direction in a classroom ?
3. Answer the following questions. (any three) : 5×3=15
(a) Discuss Skinner’s theory of language learning.
(b) Write the role of ‘accent’ in dialect of a language.
(c) Try to make a view on role of school in socialization process.
(d) What is the duty of a teacher to mould home language into school language ?
(e) Discuss the constitutional provisions of teaching mother language.
4. Answer any one of the following questions : 10×1=10
(a) Discuss the Social Learning theory of Bandura and Walters. How do these theories help in the present educational scinario of the state ? 5+5=10
(b) What do you mean by content development ? Do you think local culture should reflect in content of school curriculum ? Justify your view. 4+6=10
FULL MARKS:10 TIME: 45 minutes
1) What is multilingual classroom? Discuss the scope of multilingual classroom in formal teaching programme. (2+4=6)
Discuss the relation between language and communication. (6)
2) Write short notes (any two): (2x2=4)
(a) Standard language.
(b) Role of school in socialization.
(c) Problem of multilingual students.
(d) Communication.
Paper Code : CC-3 (Old)
(Language Across The
Full Marks – 35
Time – 1½ hours
The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the
Answer the following questions (any five) : 2×5=10
(a) What is Lingua Franca ?
(b) Who
is called a multilingual speaker ?
(c) Mention
two advantages of multilingual classroom.
(d) What
do you mean by first language (L1) of a child ?
(e) Write
two conditions of Ellis that is favourable to language acquisition.
(f) What
is classroom ?
(g) Mention
two factors that influence communication in classroom.
Answer any three
of the following questions : 5×3=15
(a) Differentiate
between multilingual classroom and monolingual classroom.
(b) What
is a transactional text ?
(c) Write
a note on basic functions of language.
(d) ‘English
as a window of language’ –– Discuss.
(e) Discuss
home language and standard language.
Answer any one
of the following questions : 10×1=10
(a) Discuss
the various necessary skills for reading and writing of social science. 10
(b) What
is a dialect ? How far school is responsible to develop the standard language
of a child ? 2+8=10