



FULL MARKS: 35                TIME: 1.30 HOURS

1) Answer the following questions: (any five) (2x5=10) 
(a) What do you mean by school subjects?
(b) How content reflect community?
(c) What do you mean by assignment?
(d) What is the role of geography for school reconstruction?
(e) Mention two examples of theory subjects.
(f) Define curriculum.
(g) Mention two important components of school.

2) Write short notes on the following: ( any three) (5x3=15)
(a) Principle of curriculum devlopement.
(b) Relationship between theory and practice.
(c) Characteristics of Disciplines.
(d) Practical Vs. Project report.
(e) Need and importance of syllabus.

3) Answer the following questions: (any one) 
(a) What is text book? Discuss the qualities of good text book. ( 2+8=10)
(b) Discuss the needs and importance of theory and practical of a subject. (10)
(c) "Science and Mathematics are called the vehicle of national devlopement." Explain the above statement. (10)


                               PAPER : CC-4
FULL MARKS: 35                     TIME: 2 HOURS

1.Answer any five of the following questions:      (2x5=10)
 i) Define the concept 'school discipline'. 
 ii) Mention two characteristics of Project report.
 iii) Discuss the concept 'syllabus'.
 iv) What is 'experiment'?
 v) Mention two importance of practical subject.
 vi) Discuss the term 'content' in brief.
 vii) Mention any two characteristics of community.

2. Write short notes on the following: (any three) (3x5=15)
 (a) Principles of curriculum construction.
 (b) What do you mean by field work? Discuss the importance of field work in school education with example.
 (c) Techniques of maintaining classroom discipline.
 (d) Significance of theory subject in school.
 (e) Qualities of a good text book.

3. Answer any one of the following:
 (a) Discuss the relationship between theory and practical subjects in detail.             (10)
 (b) Discuss the significance of syllabous. Mention some of the functions of a good syllabous.                                    (5+5=10)
 (c) What do you mean by school subject? Discuss the characteristics of school subject.             (4+6=10)


                               PAPER : CC-4
FULL MARKS: 35                     TIME: 2 HOURS
1. Answer the following questions: (any five) (5x2=10)
i) What is school subject? Quote examples.
ii) Discuss the importance of co-curricular activities in school education.
iii) Describe the characteristics of a community.
iv) Bring up the significance of practical subjects.
v) Who is a good learner?
vi) Discuss the importance of theory subject in school.
vii) What is curriculum?
2.Write short notes on the following. (Any three) 
i) Co-relation among text book, syllabus and curriculum. (5)
ii) Relationship between theoretical subject and Practical subject. (5)
iii) Co-relation between school and community. (5)
iv) Significance of school discipline. (5)
v) Qualities of good text book. (5)
3. Answer the following questions: (any one)
a) What is content of book? Discuss the characteristics and significance of content in a text book. (2+8=10)
b) Define the term 'community'? State the different types of community. Discuss the significance of community in human life. (2+3+5=10)
c) Discuss the meaning, nature and significance of a syllabus in school education. (10)

* * * * * * * *

63/5 (SEM-1) CC-04
B. Ed
(Theory Paper)
Paper Code : CC-04
(New Course)
(Understanding Discipline and Subjects)
Full Marks – 80
Time – 3 hours
The figures in the margin indicate full marks
for the questions.

1.Answer the following questions: 1x6=6
(a) What is a discipline subject?
(b) Name any one component of School.
(c) Name any one school discipline of learning.
(d) What is centrality of language?
(e) What are the examples of teaching method?
(f) Name any one method of learning.
2. Answer the following questions: 2x5=10
(a) Give two examples of academic discipline.
(b) What is disciplinary knowledge?
(c) How content reflects community?
(d) What do you mean by demonstration method?
(e) Mention two examples of theory subjects.
3. Answer the following question (any six): 5x6=30
(a) Explain the role of language in children cognitive devlopement.
(b) Discuss the role of curriculum in effective teaching and learning.
(c) What is the role of geography for school reconstruction?
(d) Do teacher help in the improvement of our community? What is the role of teacher in the community? 2+3=5
(e) Who is the father of Mathematics ? What is the role of Mathematics in the mordern world? 1+4=5
(f) Explain th importance of philosophy of social science.
(g) Differentiate between practical and experiement.
(h) Explain the importance of philosophy of social science.
(i) Explain " Language as a means of communication".
4. Answer the following questions (any two): 10x2=20
(a) What do you understand by academic  discipline? How is it different from a school Subject? Give examples, 5+5=10
(b) Explain the impact of science in day to day life. 10
(c) Define Curriculum. What are the main principle of curriculum developement. 2+8=10
5. Answer any one of the following questions: 14x1=14
(a) "School subjects are the gateway for the preparation of daily life"-- Express your views. 
(b) "Education is an interdisciplinary subjects." Explain with suitable examples.

63/5 (SEM-1) CC-04,4
Paper Code : CC-04 (New)
(Understanding Disciplines and Subjects)
Full Marks – 80
Time – Three hours
The figures in the margin indicate full marks
for the questions.

1. Answer the following questions : 1×6=6
(a) What is language acquisition ?
(b) How many spheres are there in the atmosphere ?
(c) Who developed the ‘decimal system’ ?
(d) Write the full form of ‘‘ISRO’’.
(e) What is ‘‘Hidden Curriculum’’ ?
(f) Define the term ‘Content’.
2. Answer the following questions : 2×5=10
(a) How does the school subject works in
students life ?
(b) Define the concept of ‘‘School Community’’.
(c) What are the steps of a ‘Project’ ?
(d) What are the major phases of language
development ?
(e) How do you define ‘Language’ ?
3. Answer the following questions : (any six) 5×6=30
(a) Mention any five major differences between
school subject and academic discipline.
(b) How do content fulfill the learners expectation ?
(c) Explain the importance of theory and practical of a subject with examples.
(d) Write the characteristics and merits of ‘‘Fieldwork’’.
(e) How assignment helps in content development ?
(f) ‘‘Language is the backbone of all subjects.’’ – Elucidate the statement.
(g) Discuss the role of curriculum in effective teaching and learning.
(h) ‘‘Education is an interdisciplinary subject.’’ – Explain the statement.
(i) Enumerate the place of mathematics in the school curriculum.
4. Answer the following questions : (any two) 10×2=20
(a) Discuss the nature and characteristics of Science and Mathematics as subject in school curriculum.
(b) Discuss the role of language in intellectual development of children.
(c) Discuss the school subjects as a vehicle of national development.
5. Answer any one of the following questions : 14×1=14
(a) Define Social Science. Discuss the role of Social Science in value education. 4+10=14
(b) Discuss the nature of disciplinary knowledge. How are various disciplines influenced by various Socio-Political contexts ? 4+10=14

* * * * * * * *

Paper Code : CC-4 (Old)
(Understanding Disciplines and Subjects)
Full Marks – 35
Time – 1½ hours
1. Answer the following questions : (any five) 2×5=10
(a) What is the meaning of content in a Syllabus ?
(b) Write two important principles of curriculum construction.
(c) Mention two qualities of a good learner.
(d) Write two functions of language.
(e) Bring out the significance of a practical subject.
(f) Write two objectives of teaching of Social Science in secondary level.
(g) Mention the relationship between Science and Mathematics.
2. Answer the following questions : (any three) 5×3=15
(a) Mention the differences between school subject and academic discipline.
(b) Describe the nature of Social Science.
(c) Write a short note on corelation between school and community.
(d) Discuss the qualities of a good text book.
(e) Explain the role of mathematics in day to day life.
3. Answer the following questions : (any one) 10×1=10
(a) Discuss the meaning and nature of school syllabus. 10
(b) Define the term ‘Community’. Discuss the significance of community in human society. 2+8=10


                                    Model Questions
                               PAPER : CC-4
FULL MARKS: 80                    TIME: 2 HOURS 

1. Answer the following questions: (1x6=6)
i) The word Curriculum is derived from the word______.
ii) Who is the father of Project Method?
iii) Which topic is not a part of primary school mathematics curriculum as per NCF 2005?
iv) Is a textbook a curriculum?
v) Who is the oldest Mathematician?
vi) What is another name for field work?
2. Answer the following questions: (2x5=10)
i) Define Curriculum and syllabus.
ii) What is the main objectives of teaching mathematics according to NCF 2005?
iii) State the 5 stages of language development.
iv) What is an Experiment Project?
v) What is meant by interdisciplinary field of study?
3. Answer any six of the following questions: (5x6=30)
i) Discuss the ideology of a Curriculum.
ii) Elucidate the issues in language education.
iii) What is the relevance of Interdisciplinary study in the present day Curriculum?
iv) How field work can be related to education?
v) Discuss the role of mathematics in the overall Curriculum.
vi) State the principles of Sequencing Curriculum Content.
vii) Criteria of a good textbook- Explain.
viii) How does language delay affect intellectual developement.
ix) Explain the different types of syllabous.
4. Answer any two of the following questions: (10x2=20)
i) Social-Science as a Composite Subject versus Interdisciplinary understanding. Discuss the Statement.
ii) Discuss the centrality of language in all subjects.
iii) How does education foster National developement.
5. Answer any one of the following questions: (14x1=14)
i) How does Curriculum Content reflect Changes in Society?
ii) What is the relevance of theoretical and practical understanding of a subject?
iii) How is knowledge related to Science?


                               PAPER : CC-1.4
FULL MARKS: 10                TIME: 45MINUTES

Answer the following Questions:
1) Define curriculum. Discuss the importance of curriculum.               (2+4=6)
What do you mean by content in a text book? Discuss the needs of content in a book.(2+4=6)

2) Write short note (any two):
 (a) syllabous.
 (b) Text book
 (c) School.
 (d) Community
