
                                       BTC 2.3
FULL MARKS:35                          TIME:1.30 HOURS

1) Answer the following questions:(any five) (2x5=10)
(a) What do you mean by curriculum?
(b) Write on two determinants of curriculam.
(c) What do you mean by environmental education?
(d) What is hidden curriculam?
(e) What is the difference between curriculum and syllabus?
(f) What is knowledge?
(g) What are the school subjects?

2) Write short notes on the following questions: (any three) (3x5=15)
(a) Distinction between teaching and training.
(b) Economic necessities and cultural orientations in curriculum making.
(c) Role of gender differences at school.
(d) Teacher role in curriculum development.
(e) Aims and objectives of curriculum.

3) Answer the following questions:( any one )
(a) Explain the meaning and nature of curriculum. (5+5=10)
(b) Write a brief description about hidden curriculum. (10)
(c) Explain environment education and how it is helpful to Curriculam developement at school level. (10) 


FULL MARKS:35                  TIME:1.30 HOURS
1. Answer any five of the following questions: (5x2=10)
 i. Define the term 'belief'.
 ii. what is reason?
 iii. What do you mean by term 'information'?
 iv. Define multicultural education.
 v. What do you mean by the term 'Social Sensibility'?
vi. Discuss the difference between skill and knowledge. 
vii. What is curriculum design?

2. Answer any three the following questions:(3x5=15)
 (a) Difference between knowledge and information.
 (b) Hidden curriculum and its significance.
 (c) Curriculum design in respect of international context.
 (d) Core curriculum.
 (e) Teaching and training.

3. Answer any one the following questions:

 i. Discuss the socio-political-cultural diversity as determinants of curriculum.  (10)

 ii. What is curriculum development?Mention the challenges of curriculum developement in present day situation. Mention the role of teacher in curriculum developement.(2+4+4=10)

 iii. Discuss learners characteristics and its significance in the developement of curriculum.                       (10) 


           Sessional Examination-2017
FULL MARKS:10                  TIME:45 minutes

1. Discuss core curriculum and its significance.                 (6)
Significance of hidden curriculum in School education.                      (6)

2. Write any one short notes of the following:(4x1=4)

 (a) Relation of curriculum with the co- curricular activity.

 (b) Knowledge and skill.


63/5(SEM-2) B.Ed. CC 09



(Theory Paper)

Paper : CC 09 (Part – A)

(Knowledge and Curriculum)

Full Marks – 40

Time – 1½ hours

The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions.

1. Choose the correct options : 1×5=5

(a) The word ‘Curriculum’ is derived from

(i)        Latin word

(ii)     German word

(iii)   French word

(iv)   None of the above

(b)     Curriculum means

(i)       Subject matters

(ii)     Activities and experiences in school situations

(iii)  Topics from different concepts

(iv)   All of the above

(c)      In which type of curriculum emphasis is given on the training of various crafts ?

(i)       Child centred

(ii)     Experience centred

(iii)  Craft centred

(iv)   All of the above

(d)     Any visible activity displayed by the learner is

(i)       Learning

(ii)     Behaviour

(iii)  Terminal behaviour

(iv)   Criterion

(e)      Organization of curriculum on the basis of division of the subject matters of smaller unit is called

(i)        Topical method

(ii)     Concentric method

(iii)   Spiral method

(iv)   None of the above.

2.         Answer any five of the following questions : 2×5=10

(i) What is training ?

(ii)     What is the need of multi-cultural classroom ?

(iii)  Write two differences between knowledge and skill.

(iv)   Define curriculum.

(v)     Write a short note on peace education.

(vi)   What is wisdom ?

3.         Answer any three of the following questions : 5×3=15

(a)      Discuss the importance of  curiculum development.

(b)      Discuss the modern method of acquiring knowledge.

(c)      Discuss between knowledge and understanding.

(d)      Enlist the guidelines given by NCF-2005 for syllabus development.

(e)      Discuss the different modes of teaching.

4.         Answer any one of the following questions : 10×1=10

(a)      What is the role of a teacher in curriculum development ? Discuss the needs and principles of curriculum development. 5+5=10

(b)      Discuss the influence of Philosophy of Education – Idealism, Naturalism and Pragmatism on curriculum. 3+3+4=10

* * * * * * * *

63/5 (SEM-4) CC-15



(Theory Paper)

Paper Code : CC-15

(Knowledge And Curriculum (Part-B))

Full Marks — 40

Timé— l.30 hours

The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions.

1. Answer the following questions :     

1x 5=5

(a)Who was the chairman of National Curriculum Framework for Teacher Education (2009)?

(b) What are the 5 E's of  'Inquiry based Leaming' ?

(c) What is Curriculum ?

(d) What is the medium of instruction according to Rabindranath Tagore ?

(e) What is innovation in curriculum ?

2. Answer any five Of the following questions: 


    (a)  What is meant by method of enquiry ?

       (b) What are the components of project based learning ?
       (c) What is concept formation in education ?

    (d) What are the key elements of multi-cultural education ?

(e) Why Nationalism is important in the present day context of education ?

(f) What were Krishnamurti's views about curriculum ?

(g) Why text-book is needed in the process of teaching and learning ?

3.Answer any three of the following questions: 


(a) Discuss the relationship among knowledge, curriculum and text-book.

(b) Explain how curriculum is constructed for different stages.

(c) How does project based learning help students?


(d) Elucidatc the concept of Universalism in education by Krishnamurti.

(e) What is the importance of language in education and curriculum ? Discuss.

4.     Answer any one of the following questions:


    (a) Examine critically the role' of teacher in curriculum development.

    (b) How is knowledge different from information? Enumerate with examples.
