                            SCIENCE (B.Ed.)
                             PAPER: CC-6B
FULL MARKS:35                         TIME: 1.30 HOURS

1)Answer the following questions: (Any five) (2x5=10)
(a) Write any four principles of science learning.
(b) What do you mean by heredity?
(c) State the role of sun in the original life of the earth.
(d) What is the role of respiratory centre in respiration?
(e) Write four function of good science text book.
(f) Write the objectives of science fairs.
(g) What happens when we in hale air contining carbonmonoxide?

2) Answer the following questions: (Any three) (3x5=15)
(a) How should science club be organized in a school?
(b) State and explain Kirchoff's laws of distribution of current.
(c) what id the importance of audio-visual aids in teaching science?
(d) Why general science is given an important place in the secondary school curriculum?
(e) Explain the most accepted theory of origin of life on earth.

3) Answer the following questions: (Any one) (10x1=10)
(a) Write the significance and importance of teaching aids.
(b) Write short note- Science learning at the secondary stage.
(c) What are the different steps of the devlopement of scientific attitude in teaching science?


                       Paper :- CC6b
         Padagogy of Science ( Part B)
FULL MARKS:-10              TIME:- 45 Minutes

1. Answer any two of the following: (2x2=4)
 (a) Write any four quantities of a good text book of Genaral Scienc.
 (b) Write the advantages of Laboratory Methods.
 (c) What is the value of Science Club?
2. Answer any one of the following: 
 (a) What is the importance of audio-visual aids in teaching science?                      (6)
 (b) Describe why ICT is useful in Science Education?                                               (6)
