
                           PAPER : CC-6A
FULL MARKS: 35                TIME: 1.30 HOURS

1) Answer the following questions(any five): (2x5=10)
(a) Write some important definations of science.
(b) Science is thus both a ____ as well as a ___ .
(c) Write various steps of project method.
(d) Write any two important dimentions of science.
(e) Define child centured curriculum.
(f) Write three major parts of educational objectives.
(g) Write any four branches of science.

2) Answer the following questions (any three): (5x3=15)
(a) Write the objectives of teaching Science in secondary school.
(b) Define select contents. Write the principles for organizing the science contents.
(c) What are the teaching strategy used in whole class activities?
(d) Discuss the devlopement of science curriculum in India.
(f) Write the principles of curriculum devlopement.

3) Answer the following questions (any one)
(a) What it means to learn Science? Write the characteristics  of science. (5+5=10)

(b) Define scientific method. Discuss the steps of scientific method. (5+5=10)

(c) What are the main features of problem solving method? Write advantage and disadvantage of problem solving method. (10)


              Sessional Examination-2017
                           PAPER : CC-6A
FULL MARKS: 10                TIME: 45 minutes

1) What are the different branches of Science?  (1)
2) Write three important dimensions of Science? (1)
3) What  is  the term of Science?        (1)
4) What are the role of Science teacher in implimenting Science Curriculum in school?(7)
What are the roles of Science and its important in day to day life?                      (7)
