63/5 (SEM-1) BEd/EPC-1
Theory Paper: EPC-1
Full Marks- 50
Time- 1.30 hrs.
The figures in the margin indicate full marks 
for the questions.

Answer any four questions of the followings:

1. What are the main objectives of reading?    5
2. What do you mean by the continuous and comprehensive assessment?                                             2+3=5
3. Why and how a teacher should maintain a Record keeping Register for Reading Assessment ?            2+3=5
4. What do you mean by Reading Skills ?          5
5. Suggest some ways by which you motivate the learner to develop reading habits.                 5
6. Discuss about the tools for assessing reading.         5
7. Practical.                                                 30



YEAR 2020

FULL MARKS  20                   TIME:1HOURS
1. Answer the following questions: (1x2=2)
(i) What is extensive reading skill?
(ii) What is diagnostic reading assessment?
2. Answer any four from the following questions: (2x4=8)
(i) How do you assess reading?
(ii) What are the various methods of teaching reading?
(iii) Discuss briefly Intensive and Extensive reading.
(iv) Explain briefly the meaning of continuous and comprehensive assessment of Pre-reading.
(v) How will you, as a teacher, satisfy yourself that your pupils read with comprehension?
3. (a) "Reading comprehension involves understanding, reading of content, vocabulary, grammatical structures, concepts and relationship to ideas".- Discuss. (10)
(b) What are your suggestions for developing the reading habits of your students in Secondary School? (10)


63/5 (SEM-1) EPC - 01
B. Ed
(Theory Paper)
Paper Code : EPC-01
(Reading and Reflecting on Text)
Full Marks – 20
Time – 1 hour
The figures in the margin indicate full marks
for the questions.

1. Answer any four questions : 1×4=4
(a) What do you mean by concept of Reading ?
(b) Write one objective of Reading.
(c) What is Reading skills ?
(d) Mention one tool for assessing Reading.
(e) Mention one method of teaching Reading.
2. Write any two answers from the following : 3×2=6
(a) Why is it necessary to keep record for assessment of reading ?
(b) What are the kinds of Reading Ability ?
(c) How can Reading Skills be developed ?
3. Answer any one from the following questions : 10×1=10
(a) How do Continuous and Comprehensive Assessment help in Pre Reading and Post-Reading during Reading ?
(b) Why is Reading and Reflecting on Text important for a teacher ?
